Grand Master, 1961–62

Born March 19, 1900 at Oro Station near Barrie, ON.

Moved with his family to Saskatchewan in 1910, settling at Yellow Grass.

After the death of his father, moved with his mother to Sovereign, SK where he received his public education.

Established a bulk oil and implement agency in 1924 and in 1945 became owner and operator of a hardware business.

Active in community affairs.

Married Gertrude Yaeck of Kerrobert, SK, 1930. One son.

Initiated into Sovereign Lodge No. 192, GRS, May 1928. WM 1937–38.

DDGM 1953–54. GM 1961–62.

Died March 9, 1974 at 73 years of age.


Arthur Wilson


Lyle Herbert Bergstrom