John Hawkins Anderson

Grand Master, 1916–17

Born in Halifax, NS, January 13, 1855.

Educated in private schools to age 13, then sent to Sheffield Academy, Sheffield, NB.

Entered wholesale dry goods business at age 17.

Moved west to Manitou, MB, in 1878, then to Dundurn, SK, in 1902 where he opened a general store.

Disposed of his business in 1906 and moved to Saskatoon.

Worked first in real estate and later as a Customs Excise Officer.

Initiated into Virgin Lodge No. 3, GRNS, Halifax. WM 1900. GSD, GLM, 1902. Affiliated with Saskatchewan Lodge No. 16, GRS.

DDGM, District No. 5, GLS, 1908. GM 1916–17.

Died Wednesday, May 17, 1933, at 79 years of age.


James McCauley


William Murray Thomson