Norman George Cook
Grand Master, 1994–94
Born August 30, 1924 in Cabri, SK and received his elementary and high school education in the Pennant, SK area.
Moved to Lloydminster, SK in 1947 and began an oil trucking operation, moving to Coleville, SK in 1952. Owned and operated a hardware store in Elrose, SK, 1962–93.
Married Joyce Wilson of Wartime, SK. One son, John; two daughters, Arleen and Sharon. Four grandchildren.
Initiated into Kerrobert Lodge No. 90, GRS, and Raised June 2, 1960. Affiliated with Elrose Lodge No. 135, GRS in 1962. WM 1971. Affiliated with Macrorie Lodge No. 191, GRS, 2003. Active in many Masonic concordant bodies.
DDGM, District No. 12, GLS, 1973–74. GM 1994–95.