The Ninety-Nine Men
The ninety-nine men who have served as Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan over the past 100 years are indeed an impressive group. Coming from many walks of life, they represent not only Freemasonry in all its diversity, but also the diversity of the province. They also, by their places of birth, provide geographic insight into the settlement of Saskatchewan. Although in recent years most Grand Masters were born in the province, such was not the case in earlier years. Indeed, the first Grand Master born in Saskatchewan was Most Worshipful Brother Douglas Fraser who served in this capacity in 1942–43, 36 years after the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan was established. And even then it was another nine years before a person born in Saskatchewan held office—Most Worshipful Brother Robert Russell McEwen in 1951–52.
Glossary of Abbreviations
GRC - Grand Registry of Canada
GLM - Grand Lodge of Manitoba
GRM - Grand Registry of Manitoba
GLS - Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan
GRS - Grand Registry of Saskatchewan
GRNS - Grand Registry of Nova Scotia
GRBC - Grand Registry of British Columbia
MW Bro - Most Worshipful Brother
GM - Grand Master
DGM - Deputy Grand Master
DDGM - District Deputy Grand Master
GSW - Grand Senior Warden
GJW - Grand Junior Warden
GSD - Grand Senior Deacon
GJD - Grand Junior Deacon
GSS - Grand Senior Steward
GS - Grand Steward
GD of C - Grand Director of Ceremonies