William Herbert Moor

Grand Master, 1949–50

Born at Brantford, ON, June 16, 1877.

Moved to Toronto where he attended elementary school and Harbord Collegiate.

After matriculation, entered the wholesale business and then teaching.

During WWI served overseas as an officer with the YMCA.

Married Estelle Gertrude Dixon of Downers Grove, IL (USA) in 1901. Two sons; one daughter.

Initiated, Passed, and Raised in Ionic Lodge No. 25, Winnipeg, GRM. Affiliated with Saskatchewan Lodge No. 16, GRS, 1924. WM 1935.

DDGM, District No. 5, 1942. GM 1949–50.

Died at Saskatoon, June 3, 1955 at 79 years of age.


F. Hedley Auld, MBE


Fred C. Wilson