Albert James Dutton
Grand Master, 1984–85
Born June 2, 1927 at Medicine Hat, AB.
Raised on the family farm at Hazlet, SK where he received his elementary education, completing his last two years of high school at Gull Lake, SK.
After a brief teaching career was hired by the CPR, serving as station agent, telegrapher, and train dispatcher, 1963–75. Established Kwik Kafe in Regina.
Married Iris (Ward) of Earl Grey, SK, June 7, 1958. One son, Ward; one daughter, Laurel.
Joined Friendship Lodge No. 212, GRS, Regina, December 1959. WM 1970.
DDGM, District No. 2, GLS, 1974. GM 1984–85.
Died at home in Regina on May 8, 2002 at 74 years of age.