Nicholas Harold Korpan

Grand Master, 1983–84

Born August 31, 1919 on a homestead near Carlton, SK.

Because his father was employed by the CNR, Nick received his education in numerous points in Saskatchewan.

During WWII he saw active duty both in Canada and Europe as Re-enforcement Officer with the 8th RECCE Armoured Division, later with the Heavy Tank Corp.

After discharge was employed with a caterpillar tractor distributor in Saskatoon, SK for 21 years. Opened his own equipment distributorship in 1965, retiring in 1980.

Married Edna A.J. Carson on Valparaiso, SK. Three sons, James, Ray, and Robert; one daughter, Susan.

Joined Imperial Lodge No. 60, GRS, Saskatoon, 1946 and is Past Master of the same.

DDGM, District No. 5, GRS, 1978–79. GM 1983–84.

Died November 23, 1998 at 78 years of age with funeral service and Masonic Rites from Third Avenue United Church, Saskatoon.


Albert James Dutton


Gisli Konrad (Kon) Halldorson