Bjorne Kolbjorn Hansen

Grand Master, 1966–67

Born September 4, 1913 at Minneapolis, MN (USA).

Moved with his family to Holbeck, SK District in 1919.

Farmed with his parents until 1933. Became bulk oil agent for Imperial Oil Ltd. in Eatonia, SK in 1936. Later partnered with his father and brother in General Motors of Canada and Minneapolis-Moline of Canada dealerships and also ran a service station.

Married Francis Lord. One son; two daughters.

Initiated into Eatonia Lodge No. 207, GRS, 1949. WM 1956.

GJD 1959. DDGM, District No. 12, GLS, 1961. GM 1966–67.

Died at his home in Eatonia, August 16, 1991 with funeral services on August 20, 1991.


Douglas Lorne Gibson, PhD


Samuel John Leach