Duncan Addison Kingsbury

Grand Master, 1924–25

Born at Puslinch, ON in 1868.

Received elementary, high school and normal school training in Ontario.

Came west to teach at Wolseley, SK in 1897, then to Balgonie until 1901. Took a homestead at Rouleau, SK and continued teaching at Rouleau.

Later worked as a bookkeeper and accountant for a grain and lumber company.

Married Miss Caroline Jean Easterbrook of Guelph, ON. Three daughters.

Initiated into Wascana Lodge No. 23, GRM (now No. 2, GRS), Regina, March 22, 1905, Passed April 26, and Raised May 31, 1905. Demitted to become charter member of Rouleau Lodge No. 40, GRS. WM 1910.

DDGM, for District No. 11, GLS, 1913. GJW 1921. GM 1924–25.

Died Friday, November 23, 1934, at home in Rouleau at 66 years of age.


Gilbert Swain


James Walter MacNeill