Grand Master, 1959–60

Born in London, England, February 20, 1902, and emigrated to Montreal seven years later.

There he received his education, graduating in Medicine from McGill University in 1926.

Moved west and vegan working in the General Hospital in Moose Jaw, SK, then to Girvin, SK and then to Davidson, SK where he continued his medical practice.

Married Mildred Ethyl Bond, a graduate nurse, in 1930. One daughter.

Initiated into Davidson Lodge No. 33, GRS, March 21, 1929. WM 1938.

DDGM, District No. 5, GLS, 1949–50. GM 1959–60.

Died Thursday, April 19, 1984 at 82 years of age and buried April 23, 1984.


Lyle Herbert Bergstrom


Richmond Mayson