Rev. Canon John King Irwin
Grand Master, 1928–29
Born at Branty Glebe in Clanfeacle County, Northern Ireland.
Received MA Degree from Dublin University, then attended Trinity College.
Emigrated to Canada in 1907.
Ordained Deacon, Church of England, at Regina, SK.
Graduated from St. Chad’s Theological College, Regina, in 1935 with Doctor of Divinity Degree, retiring from the church in 1943.
Married in 1908 to Ellen Kirk McKean of Benburb County, Ireland.
No family.
Initiated into Cupar Lodge No. 47, GRS, December 21, 1915. WM Nanatah Lodge No. 53, GRS.
DDGM, District No. 9, GLS, 1922. GM 1928–29.
Died at Victoria, B.C., Saturday, May 7, 1955, at 78 years of age.