Thomas Wellington Sutherland, MD
Grand Master, 1934-35
Born near Village of Embro, Oxford County, ON, May 25, 1885.
Educated at Woodstock, ON. Attended McGill University, Montreal, and graduated in 1912 with the Degree of Medicine MDCM.
Worked in Public Health in Regina, SK.
In 1916 joined the Canadian Army Medical Corp and served in England and France as a Major.
In 1919 returned to private practice at Shellbrook, SK.
Married Miss Mary P. McCallum of Oak Lake, MB in 1922. One son; two daughters.
Raised in King Hiram Lodge No. 104, GRS, Regina. Charter member of SHellbrook Lodge No. 171, GRS in 1923. WM 1928.
DDGM, District No. 1, GLS, 1930. GM 1934-35.
Died October 19, 1951 at 66 years of age.