Willis Roy Wellman, LLB, QC
Grand Master, 1987–88
Born in Newfoundland, November 1, 1932.
On graduation from high school was awarded an entrance scholarship to Memorial University in Newfoundland and then to Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB. Graduated with a BA Degree in 1954.
Served one year as a reserve Naval Officer in the RCN before enrolling in Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, graduating with a Bachelor of Laws Degree in 1959.
Came west to Saskatchewan and was admitted to Bar of Saskatchewan in 1959. Opened his own practice specializing in criminal and civil litigation. Appointed Queen’s Counsel, January 1, 1984.
Married Katherine Hoebarth of Saskatoon. One son.
Joined St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 174, GRS, Regina, April 16, 1975. WM 1981–82.
DDGM, District No. 2, GLS, 1983–84. GM 1987–88.